Community & Neighbourhood Police Stronger Together
Monday, April 19th, 2021If you live, work or do business in the Chiltern and South Bucks areas of Buckinghamshire, the Chiltern & South Bucks (CSB) Policing Issues Forum want to hear about your local policing issues or concerns. [Read full article…]
Chiltern District Virtual Community Forum
Monday, March 19th, 2018The joint Community Safety Team, Thames Valley Police and Bucks County Council are hosting a Chiltern District Virtual Community Forum on Thursday 29th March, 7-9pm. The public can log on via this link and ask questions/raise any concerns relating to policing priorities or community safety to the panel. [Read full article…]
Police & Crime Plan 2017-2021 for the Thames Valley
Monday, October 16th, 2017The Police & Crime Commissioner for the Thames Valley have published their new Police & Crime Plan for 2017-2021 which details the five strategic priorities for policing and crime for the next five years. The summary of the plan can be downloaded here. [Read full article…]