Other Agencies – Who Does What
Chesham Bois Parish Council (CBPC) serves the residents of the Parish. Like other Parish Councils (or Town Councils if they serve an urban area) it is a statutory body, representing the lowest tier of Local Government, sitting below but independent of District, County and Unitary Councils.
This brief explanation of who does what will help explain who does what, and how you can access services outside our responsibility:

- Ownership and management of lands including Chesham Bois Common and Tenterden Spinney.
- Managing and maintaining the burial ground within Chesham Bois.
- Maintenance of highway verges on behalf of Buckinghamshire Council.
- Ownership and maintenance of streetlighting on minor roads.
- Reviewing and commenting on planning applications.

- Collection Tax
- Schools & Learning
- Planning & Building Control
- Parking, Roads & Transport
- Bin Collection, Recycling & Waste
- Libraries
- Housing & Benefits
- Community & Safety
- Environment
- Culture & Tourism
- Births, Deaths, Marriages & Civic Partnerships
- Care for Children & Families
- Care of Adults
- Health, Wellbeing & Sports
- Business
- Democratic Services