The Parish Council were notified on 25th June that St Leonards Parochial Church have submitted an appeal against the refusal of full planning permission for the redevelopment of St Leonards Church Hall, Glebe Way, Chesham Bois.

If residents wish to make comments, or modify/withdraw any previous representations this should be done via the Planning Inspectorate’s website: or in writing to Pana Kwabe, The Planning Inspectorate, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol BS1 6PN quoting the appeal reference APP/X0415/W/24/3343635.

All representations must be received by the Planning Inspectorate by 30th July 2024

Emergency works are to be undertaken by Buckinghamshire Council in respect of emergency carriageway repairs on Hollow Way Lane. Road closure will take place from 9.30 am to 3.30 pm on 16th and 17th July 2024.

Tuesday, July 9th, 2024

Planning Appeal Ref. APP/X0415/W/24/3343635: Glebe Way, Chesham Bois
Planning Application Ref. PL/22/4074/FA

A planning application to build a large-scale commercial development with a car park for more than 110 vehicles in the centre of the Chesham Bois Conservation Area, on a site surrounded by Chesham Bois Common, is still being pursued by St. Leonard’s Parochial Church Council.

The proposal to build across the site of the publicly funded parish centre, the new rectory (built in the 1980’s) and adjacent green space was initially submitted in 2020 and has already been refused twice by Bucks. Council, in 2021 and 2024, and once on appeal by the UK Planning Inspectorate in 2022.

On 25th June 2024, the Parish Council received formal notice that St. Leonard’s Parochial Church Council has decided to submit a second appeal to the UK Planning Inspectorate, in spite of considerable local opposition to the scale of the proposed development in such a tranquil setting enjoyed by residents, visitors and native wildlife.

The Parish Council called an extraordinary meeting on 28th June 2024 to agree upon a response to the appeal. A resolution was made to instruct lawyers to challenge the appeal on behalf of residents who have notified us of their objections and as the adjacent landowner of Chesham Bois Common which is owned and managed by the Parish Council for the benefit of the whole community. The deadline for representations to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate is Tuesday, 30th July 2024.

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Chesham Bois Parish Council would like to say a big thank you to all stall holders, food providers and entertainers who all combined to make Chesham Bois Village Fete such a success on Saturday.

Special thanks go to IBB Law as our main sponsor for their continued support of our fete, it is very much appreciated.

Chiltern Radio did a great job of hosting the event.  Thanks go to Aleksandra King from Susan Daughtry Education for sponsoring Chiltern Radio.  Thanks also go to the Entertainer for their kind sponsorship and donation of the prizes for the Children’s Tombola.

All the entertainment was very well received.  Thank you very much again to Paul Megram as Colonel Custard, Justine at Hartbeats and Amersham Concert Brass for their excellent performances.  Particular thanks to Paul Megram as Colonel Custard for carrying on with his first set despite the heavy rain! 

Thank you all for your support.

Tuesday, June 11th, 2024

Please note that North Road will be closed on Saturday 15th June for the Village Fete from 8.30 am until 6 pm. Also attached is a list of roadworks and road closures taking place in the Chesham Bois area over the next few weeks. This information will be regularly updated.

Road Works Schedule June 2024.xlsx

Tuesday, May 21st, 2024

Chesham Bois Village Fete will be held this year on Saturday 15th June from 11.30 am to 4 pm.

There will be 40 stalls including a bouncy obstacle course for children, local arts and crafts, a circus workshop by Colonel Custard, local schools photo competition and a flypast by a Lancaster aircraft.  There will be live music and a BBQ and lots of other food and drinks on offer.

All proceeds from the event will be shared for the benefit of local schools, scouts, brownies and guides who are taking part.

Please come along and join us!