Policies & Documents

CBPC Code of Conduct March 2022

Chesham Bois Common Bylaws

CBPC Complaints Procedure

CBPC Co-option Policy Adopted June 2021

CBPC Data Protection Privacy Notice April 2022

CBPC Dignity at Work Bullying & Harassment Policy Adopted 11 Mar 19

CBPC Financial Regulations Updated March 2023

CBPC Investment Policy March 2023

CBPC Freedom of Information Publication Scheme Updated October 2020

CBPC Grants Policy and Form Reviewed Dec 20

CBPC Grievance Policy and Procedure Adopted 11 March 19 (Accessible)

CPBC Health and Safety Policy June 2023

CBPC Risk Assessment Management reviewed October 2022

CBPC Safeguarding Policy July 2023

CBPC Social Media & Electronic Communication Policy

CBPC Standing Orders Updated Nov 2022

CBPC Training and Development Policy Adopted 14 Jan 19

CBPC Biodiversity Policy Adopted May 2024.pdf