News and Events
The Planning Inspector who visited the Parish Centre on Glebe Way on 28/1/25 has published their decision to allow the appeal submitted by St. Leonard’s Parochial Church Council, (PCC). The news has been posted on the Bucks. Council planning portal today, link: PL/22/4074/FA | Redevelopment of the site to create a new multifunctional Parish Centre […] [Read full article…]
Please note the Planning Committee Meeting due be held on Monday 10th February will not go ahead as due to Councillors’ absence the meeting will not be quorate. The meeting of the Council will go ahead as planned at 8 pm. [Read full article…]
Biodiversity is the key word in managing our natural environment nowadays; with this in mind the Parish Council sought expert advice as to how to manage Bricky Pond to ensure its biodiversity is protected and improved.Tests conducted in November revealed that the water quality is currently good. We know that we have toads, frogs and […] [Read full article…]
Diary Dates
A dedicated page on this website has been created to provide information and updates about the Parish Council project to develop a Neighbourhood Plan for Chesham Bois.
The Neighbourhood Plan will serve to shape the future of our village community and help protect the unique, semi-rural environment of Chesham Bois.
Chesham Bois Neighbourhood Plan Pop-up Event

Spring Common Clear Up

Dementia Connect