Biodiversity is the key word in managing our natural environment nowadays; with this in mind the Parish Council sought expert advice as to how to manage Bricky Pond to ensure its biodiversity is protected and improved.
Tests conducted in November revealed that the water quality is currently good. We know that we have toads, frogs and newts breeding there but to encourage more wildlife and invertebrates, it is inadvisable to conduct a thorough clearance of the pond every year. Instead, a small team of Parish Council volunteers have waded in to remove the larger debris and cut back the water margins, but have held back on doing anything more invasive as the toads have already spawned and the newts and frogs will soon follow.
We will be keeping a close eye on the pond to monitor whether this gentler approach is successful. In the meantime, we would ask dog walkers to ensure that their dogs avoid paddling in the pond if at all possible. The products used to keep our dogs, flea, tick and worm free can get into the pond water which is obviously very damaging for all the creatures who live there.