Amersham Community Board Newsletter

Friday, January 22nd, 2021

Amersham Community Board January 21 Newsletter [Read full article…]

Become a Friend Against Scams

Friday, July 10th, 2020

Are there people you could protect directly or people within your community who you could encourage to join the fight against scams? Buckinghamshire and Surrey Trading Standards are are offering 2 “Friends Against Scam” courses and 1 “Scam Champion Training” course and would be pleased to welcome you to join one of these [Read full article…]

Chiltern Community Forum Meeting 23 Sept 2020 at 6.30pm

Monday, September 21st, 2020

 [Read full article…]

Chilterns Survey

Thursday, January 4th, 2018

The Chilterns Conservation Board have launched a survey on the Chilterns.  They want to hear from local organisations and members of the public about what they value about the Chilterns, what their concerns are and what the priorities should be for the future.  The survey will form part of their review of the Chilterns AONB Management Plan.  The link […] [Read full article…]

Community & Neighbourhood Police Stronger Together

Monday, April 19th, 2021

If you live, work or do business in the Chiltern and South Bucks areas of Buckinghamshire, the Chiltern & South Bucks (CSB) Policing Issues Forum want to hear about your local policing issues or concerns.  [Read full article…]

Invitation to Apply for a Community Grant

Tuesday, October 30th, 2018

Chesham Bois Parish Council are inviting applications for grant funding.   An application form can be downloaded here. [Read full article…]

Mobile Library Service Consultation

Wednesday, November 8th, 2017

Bucks County Council are carrying out a public consultation on the future of the mobile library services. They are proposing to discontinue the current service as of May 2018 and replace it with community-based options.   For more information Click Here They are asking all residents to let them have their views on the proposals.   There is […] [Read full article…]

Monthly Seniors Lunch Club

Friday, March 8th, 2019

All Together Community are starting a new project in Chesham Bois.   They will be holding a free lunch club, once a month on a Friday between 12 noon and 1.30pm  in Chesham Bois Scout Hall. Older people (65 plus) are invited to come along enjoy lunch and then participate in activities with children from Chesham […] [Read full article…]

Neighbourhood Watch

Wednesday, March 1st, 2017

South Bucks District Council and Chiltern District Council are actively promoting new and revitalised Neighbourhood Watch Schemes, especially in areas which have experienced incidents of recent burglary. If you are interested about getting involved in Neighbourhood Watch  then contact Community Safety   on   01494  586535  or   email   Click here for more info [Read full article…]

Parish Centre Redevelopment News

Tuesday, June 11th, 2019

St Leonard’s Church, who are responsible for the planned redevelopment of the Parish Centre have updated their website with new information.  The latest plans are now available to view : where there is also a form to sign up to the St Leonard’s Church mailing list to be informed of future progress.  There are […] [Read full article…]